Monday, October 18, 2010

W4 Reading

W4 Reading
Below are screenshots of my concept maps of the 4 articles that I read this week. These concept maps contain direct quotes from the articles that I read. I used the concept maps as a way of note taking. I have included the name of the article and the author in case you would like to use these articles in your research.

I decided to do them all in red and black.

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4


  1. Hi, Hunter - I love your concept maps - very simple but accommodate plenty of information. What program did you use for them? Your first article sounds a lot like the observations in a book I'm using as a reference. They reported (after surveying students) that most were using digital technology in their everyday lives, but they had very little opportunities to use digital tools at school. The observation they made was that the technology use outside school would do more to prepare them for their future than the limited use in school. It will be interesting to see where your gaming project goes. Great sources.

  2. I use PowerPoint. It is really simple to use and most people are familiar with the interface. What you do is go into to PowerPoint and make a slide. You can make it look like mine by inserting shape and adding text to them. Then once your finished go to FILE>Save as Pictures...
